Tag Archives: perspiration

Inspiration, perspiration… Whatever

Not feeling super awesome today, so I’ll leave you with this wonderful quote I found on Facebook. Do enjoy, please.


Also, this tidbit regarding critiquing that I stole (with permission) from one of my writing groups. Bo Radley whipped it up for us.

Here are some guidelines for when you are giving and receiving feedback.

1) Remember the object is to improve what is written.

2) Keep your comments addressed to the story at hand…NOT the author.

3) Be sure to point out what you enjoyed as well as the problems you found.

4) Remember, this is not YOUR piece, don’t try to rewrite it for the author. Suggest yes, rewrite, no.

5) If the person has serious technical issues, you might wish to point them out in the least abrasive fashion possible. (In some cases, it could be best to send the author a private message to avoid any embarrassment.)

6) We were all new writers at one time. For some, offering a story critique is akin to offering up a first born. Be aware there are easily bruised egos now and then.

7) If you need someone to say “Gee…this is really wonderful.” Give it to your mother. Writing is serious work and critiques can be invaluable.

8) When reviewing your critique, remember that there are different levels, and different tastes in all reading material….and a critique is simply one person’s opinion.